21st January 2025

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Serving the people of Stroud Town to create a thriving, sustainable community

Stroud Town Square Project

For decades the space outside the Subscription Rooms has played an important part in Stroud town life. The Town Council believes it is time to transform the space into a true Town Square to be used and enjoyed by all.

We put together a design team and have come up with an initial concept design. The proposal is to level out the central area and add seating, planting and a canopy of trees. We want to create space to meet friends, watch performances or simply sit quietly and recharge your batteries.

We also want to make the main entrance to the building more accessible.

The climate change crisis means we need to create a public space more in tune with the environment. So we plan to use local materials and include a system to reuse rainwater from the Sub Rooms to water the trees and plants. We would use trees and plants that have local environmental impact and support biodiversity.

The project is planned to be one part of a Levelling Up Fund bid for Stroud town centre, once the Government announces bid criteria, which is expected this Spring.

Stroud District Council is the lead partner in drawing up a bid, with partners including the Stroud MP, Stroud Town Council, Gloucestershire County Council, Network Rail, Great Western Railway, GFirst Local Enterprise Partnership and Stroud & District Chamber of Trade & Commerce.

These sketches show the current plans. However, It is your space and we want the community to have a say on what it looks like. Find out more and have your say by taking part in the public consultation or come to an informal public consultation event on Saturday 2 April from 10-4 at the Subscription Rooms where you can chat with the project team face to face.

Artist impression of the proposed town square

Artist impression bioretention planter

Artist impression from north east aspect

Artist impression from north west aspect

Artist impression from north west aspect

Artist impression from above

Artist impression from south east aspect

Artist impression from south east aspect

Artist impression from south west aspect

Artist impression from south west aspect

Last updated: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 09:10