22nd January 2025

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Serving the people of Stroud Town to create a thriving, sustainable community

Statement on Clearing Ice and Snow in Stroud Town

Bisley Old Road in the snow

Gloucestershire Highways is responsible for salting the primary routes in the Town. When conditions require and resources permit they will also salt the secondary routes. Please go to their website for more information.

Stroud Town Council maintain a limited supply of salt which can be used by our staff only when specifically requested by Gloucestershire Highways. We regret to advise that we are not able to distribute supplies of the salt to members of the public.

Grit Bins

Gloucestershire County Highways' policy is to fill all approved grit bins before the winter season. When we are experiencing snow and prolonged periods of cold weather Gloucestershire Highways priority has to be to keep the gritters on the road to clear the strategic network. Unfortunately, Gloucestershire Highways do not have the resource to be able to refill grit bins during the season. With sensible use, a full grit bin should last through the winter.

How should we use the grit in grit bins?

Help your local community by using the grit bins provided to help keep pavements and side roads clear. Use a spade or shovel to spread the grit evenly and thinly.

The amount of grit required to treat an area is much less than you might think. As a guide 20g/m² (about a heaped tablespoon) should be sufficient to clear and protect a 1m² area of footway or carriageway surface.

Spreading too much grit can have a detrimental effect on the environment and is also a waste of salt.

Please do not use grit from these bins to clear your own driveways or paths - you may be prosecuted if caught stealing grit for private use.

For more information see Gov.UK: tips for keeping pavements and public spaces clear of ice and snow.

Grit Bin Requests

New grit bins are not provided by Gloucestershire Highways, however bins can be provided by the local parish or town councils if the location is agreed in writing by Gloucestershire Highways.

Bins shall only be located at strategic points on steeper inclines and on some tight bends or if there are significant levels of pedestrian usage.

List of current grit bin locations.

Bins will only be provided on key routes in exceptional circumstances. Bins on secondary routes may be provided at key locations if deemed appropriate and subject to the criteria.

Please contact highways in the first instance to check that your location meets their criteria.

Town Council Sites

In the event of icy or snowy weather the following paths on town council sites will be cleared and salted if it is safe and reasonable to do so.

  • Bank Gardens – all through routes from St Laurence Churchyard to Lansdown
  • Park Gardens – all through routes
  • St Laurence Churchyard – a direct through route from the Shambles and Church Street to Bank Gardens

If we are not able to clear any of these routes information to that effect will be posted on the Town Council's Facebook account.

Please remember grit is for use on public highways only and should not be used for paths and driveways on private property.

Further info about staying safe in cold weather can be found on the following websites;

NHS Staywell
Stroud District Council Homelessness
Age UK Keep Well This Winter

Last updated: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 11:37