Regeneration Committee
Established in January 2020 this Committee replaced the Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group and the Stroud Concordat. The overall purpose of this committee is to promote and support regeneration and economic development. The Committee meets six times a year.
The Committee includes members representing Stroud District Council, Gloucestershire County Council and Stroud Chamber of Commerce and can also co-opt additional members representing other relevant community groups and businesses.
Areas of Responsibility:
- Town centre regeneration including public realm improvements
- Delivery or promotion of projects identified in the Shaping the Heart of Stroud Neighbourhood Development Plan in partnership with relevant authorities and landowners
- Support for projects and organisations in Stroud which promote:
- public transport services and infrastructure
- tourism
- economic development, employment and skills
- accessibility
- accessible community transport
- Provision of festive lights
- Monitoring the effectiveness of the Neighbourhood Development Plan and managing periodic reviews in accordance with Stroud District Council's Local Plan timetable
- Business liaison
Members: Cllrs Andrews (Deputy Chair), Davey (Chair), Green, Fealty, Hillary, Horrocks, Oldman, Schoemaker