17th September 2024

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Mayor Tony Davey SNJ column in full

Mayor Tony Davey SNJ column in full

19th of July 2024

I'm pleased to be able to share another week of happenings with you, to give you an insight into what a Town Council and Town Councillors (and the officers at the Town Council) do. This is an important point, actually… whilst I share what I have been engaged in, please read this as a reflection of what many of our Councillors and team have been engaged in as well - this isn't all about me, this is all about _us_ and how it can positively impact you and drive positive change for everyone.Let's start with Saturday and the amazing Stroud Country Show! It was an honour to open the show this year, alongside our new MP Dr Simon Opher, and get a chance to meet more people and visit many stalls and stands (including our Green Spaces Team who had an excellent stand showcasing the butterfly count and their work in our spaces, and they were happily answering questions from the public throughout the day too). The 154th show, the turnout was fantastic. It is a wonderful opportunity to have fun, meet some of the community groups and charities that do amazing work, and see some incredible displays too. And there was ice cream and cake - always good, in my view.Monday saw a Full Council meeting which covered a wide variety of topics. Stroud District Council CEO, Kathy O'Leary, joined us to answer some questions the Councillors had and to help us better understand the vision that this District Council has for the town, from her viewpoint. Sometimes the questions are difficult, but always with the intention of closer collaboration and working together towards a common goal of improving the town as a place to live, work and visit for everyone. There's a way to go in some respects - we all admit that, I think - but we are making progress and all have a part to play.

On Tuesday I met with the new Centre Manager at the Five Valleys Shopping Centre to understand her plans and priorities, and to be asked for my view on progress. I think it's very important to acknowledge past issues and also celebrate change and improvements. Once I read complaint upon complaint about their car park and fines, but they have made adjustments to processes and (whilst nothing is perfect) the number of complaints has dropped significantly and the facility is being well used again. Units are being let, as I have covered previously, and there is a good mix of independent traders working alongside national chains. A thriving town needs that mix. Renovations continue and I was grateful for the time to chat about progress.I have been talking to the Deputy Police And Crime Commissioner about some concerns that had been raised to me in relation to some HQ staffing that impacts us locally. After a bit of to and fro via email, covering the context, it was good to have a catch-up on the phone. At Town Council level we strive to have a good understanding of the detail that impacts our town and often first-hand experience when things go well or less well. It's important for us not only to look to stand up for our town, but also to help provide that deep local knowledge and detailed impact. We both came away with a better understanding and some positive action points to work on. Even a 30 minute phone call can make significant headway to overcome problems and agree good ways forward. I thank Nick for his time and attention in this.

Wednesday I attended a meeting a St Laurence's Church to be presented (amongst various other members of our community and other Councillors) the new St Laurence Quarter Project Prospectus. The Church is in need of some quite significant renovations and there is an openness to discover how it can continue to evolve to reach out and embrace more of our communities and the wider town. It's an important focal point in our town and the areas of Bank Gardens, The Shambles, the Old Town Hall, the Church Hall and Lansdown Hall and Gallery are very well wrapped in the title "St Laurence Quarter". There's much work and fundraising to do, consultations to be had and plans to be drawn up, but I have to say this was a very vibrant start to an exciting vision for the future.

Thursday saw the Regeneration Working Group meet - bringing together the Town Council, District Council, County Council and Chamber of Trade. We received updates on improvements to Brunel Mall and Multi-storey Car Park access (more on that soon), an update on the progress of the Bus Hub improvements and the consultation (please take part in that consultation if you have not already done so https://orlo.uk/Merrywalks_revamp_uEPNG - your say counts!) and the planned implementation of the Real-time Passenger Information boards. The project is not delivering within the timescales we would hope - there are reasons for that - but progress is being made and an agreement to keep each other updated regularly. We discussed the outcome of the study to introduce better cycle facilities between Thrupp and the Town Centre, and updates on town centre cleanliness too. Where you see scaffolding there is progress, and there's a bit of that in town right now. Whilst there are some empty units (which means an opportunity to those who wish to take it) there are many being worked on ready to open. Help keep our local economy thriving and think local first, where you can.

Remember, if you need to travel to town by car, it's FREE to park in the London Road (outdoor) and London Road (multi-storey) Car Parks after 2pm Monday - Saturday (all day Sunday outdoor).That's it for this week. Until next time, I hope you enjoy your weekend and that our current spell of lovely weather continues for a while yet.

Posted: Mon, 22 Jul 2024

Tags: Councillors, Mayor