26th September 2024

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London Road Reopening

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A section of London Road through the centre of Stroud is to open to traffic six days a week.

It will be closed on Saturdays to enable the Farmers' Market to maintain social distancing.

The temporary road closure was introduced in July in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The changes are effective from Saturday October 10 and follow a review involving Stroud Town Council, Stroud District Council, Gloucestershire County Council and Stroud and District Chamber of Trade.

Stroud Town Mayor Kevin Cranston said the revised closure is a result of consultations with town traders and businesses.

"All the local authorities, at town, district and county level, are working incredibly hard to promote and nurture town centre businesses while maintaining importance infection control procedures," said Councillor Cranston.

"Now, more than ever, it is important to maintain social distancing which is why we have decided to keep London Road closed on Saturdays to enable the Farmers' Market to spread out and operate more safely.

"We listened to requests from the traders who felt that the loss of on-street parking was having an adverse effect on trade and changed that some weeks ago. We hope that the latest changes will make a positive difference, although there are many other factors causing negative impacts on town centres all over the country. Covid-19 has accelerated these changes to the way we shop and use town centres.

"We will need to adapt to these and find new uses for business properties that cannot compete with online shopping or out-of-town supermarkets. If we ignore these bigger long-term problems we will see the sad steady decline of the town centre."

Tony Davey, Chair of the Chamber, welcomed the change.

"With distancing becoming second nature and businesses having adapted well to managing queues and customers visits within guidelines (combined with a different spread of customer footfall) it's good to be opening up access to town with an appropriate balance for safety maintained," he said.

Shoppers are reminded to always bring their face covering to wear in the stores and to maintain social distancing at all times.

Councillor Doina Cornell, SDC's Leader, said: "We have supported Stroud Town Council's request to introduce the extra pedestrianised zone, and I am pleased that a balance has been struck which will help both the local shopkeepers, and the Farmers Market. We know this is a critical time for traders which is why we are backing high streets across the district with our Shop Local campaign and have introduced a raft of changes to car parking, proposed by traders."

Cllr Nigel Moor, Gloucestershire County Council cabinet member for environment and planning, said: "We are committed to protecting people by keeping them safe and socially distanced, and as the local economy gets back on its feet, we are happy to work with local councils to reopen their town centres in a sustainable way."

Posted: Thu, 8 Oct 2020

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