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Serving the people of Stroud Town to create a thriving, sustainable community

12th July 2024


I have lots to share with you this week, starting with Monday when I attended the AGM of the Stroud Sea Cadets.

I'd never visited before, only ever passing on school Cross Country sessions (more walking than running, and many years ago). This is a great place for 10 - 17 year olds to have amazing experiences. They have capacity for around 35 Sea Cadets and even in this short visit I learned just how much Stroud Sea Cadets means to the young people here. Run entirely by volunteers, as so many of the organisations that support young people are, they run on Monday and Thursday evenings. So many skills are learnt here, not least the opportunity to socialise outside of a school setting, which in today's world is so very important.

I hear so often that there's "nothing for kids to do these days" and it's very true that there are a limited number of opportunities. What's key, though, is that it takes those who are willing to step up and give their time that creates these opportunities - it's no-one's job to do this for everyone else. If you can spare time, please consider how you can help organisations such as the Stroud Sea Cadets - maybe as a civilian instructor, a trustee or with some other form of help. Even a little help, regularly, can make such a big difference to these organisations and the young people they support.

Whilst there I had the pleasure of meeting many people, including the secretary of the Gloucester City branch of the Royal British Legion, who reminded me about the local monthly meet-up for veterans. The Breakfast Club is on the first Saturday of the month at The Old Nelson, near Tesco and Stratford Park.

I have also had the pleasure of meeting the new Neighbourhood Policing Inspector and new PC for Stroud. I had quite a long meeting with the Inspector, briefing him on some of the challenges we have and the work of the Town Council and other local agencies to make our town better and safer for everyone. Our Neighbourhood Policing Team are regularly seen on our streets and please do take time out to say hello and raise any concerns, when you see them. When the Community Engagement Vehicle is about, I always make a point in popping by to catch up on progress, if I can. We've been without a dedicated PC for Stroud for some time, so to meet with PC Jenkins and understand her passion for her role in Stroud was very welcome.

This week also saw the launch of the Stroud Book Festival and I was delighted to be invited to the launch. They have an impressive line-up this year, as always. There's much excitement round the appearance of Julie Tatchell & Amanda Middleditch (Teddy Bear Ladies from BBCs "The Repair Shop") who are speaking this year. We have many amazing festivals in Stroud and this is one of my favourites.

Friday saw School Food Matters and the Young Marketeers Harvest Sale come to The Shambles Market, where pupils from Archway, The Shrubberies, St Roses and Cashes Green Primary School attended and were selling the fruit and vegetables they have grown at school. I was amazed by the variety on sale and their enthusiasm was infectious. Not only is this a brilliant learning opportunity to grow and nurture plants, they have the opportunity to sell their goods and learn about handling the money transactions too - good life skills. The weather was kind to them, which was an added bonus.

Until next time, I hope the weather is better in the coming days and I look forward to sharing my next update with you.

As an elected member of the local town council, I value transparency and accountability in my interactions with constituents. Please note that while I serve as a councillor, the views expressed on my personal social media accounts are my own and do not necessarily represent the official stance of the council as a whole.

For official responses from the council, please direct inquiries to council@stroudtown.gov.uk

Posted: Fri, 12 Jul 2024

Tags: Mayor

Last updated: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 14:31