17th September 2024

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Serving the people of Stroud Town to create a thriving, sustainable community

Mayor's Column

Stroud Town Council is grateful to the Stroud News and Journal for providing the opportunity to feature a regular "Mayor of Stroud" column. This addition will keep residents informed about the important work carried out by the Mayor, the Town Council and the dedicated staff employed by the council.

As the most local tier of government, the Town Council's efforts often focus on advocating for the community's needs. The column will highlight these initiatives and provide insights into the council's activities.

For the latest updates, residents can also check Stroud Town Council's social media channels:

Posted: Fri, 13 Sep 2024

13th September 2024

Gina (right) and Liz (left) inside the biodome

The Stroud Town Council Community Development Team is stepping in for the Mayor while he enjoys a well-deserved holiday!

It is a busy season for us, as we plan how best to support our community groups and residents through the winter months, but our big news is the arrival of Gina Moppett, our fantastic new Community Development Support Officer. You may spot Gina out and about over the coming weeks... Read More »

Tags: Mayor

Posted: Fri, 6 Sep 2024

6th September 2024

6th September 2024

The Mayor is having a well deserved rest so our CEO Helen Bojaniwska is taking over his weekly blog for him.On Friday 6th September, I had the pleasure of joining councillors and Gloucestershire County Council staff at Merrywalks for an in-person engagement session about the proposed transport hub improvements. It was heartening to meet so many residents and address their questions directly. Your enthusiasm... Read More »

Tags: Mayor

Posted: Mon, 2 Sep 2024

30th August 2024


During the summer school holidays there are less meetings as so many people are away on holiday themselves - so I don't have any update from you in that area. However, the school holidays are also a prime time for roadworks, some planned and some less planned.

The Town Council is updated on planned roadworks and has a good relationship with our colleagues at Gloucestershire County Council Highways who... Read More »

Tags: Mayor

Posted: Tue, 27 Aug 2024

23rd August 2024

23rd August 2024

Friday came around quickly, so here's the round-up for this week.

You may have read that the railway bridge at the station is being removed for refurbishment from Tuesday 27th August and a temporary bridge put in its place towards the other end of the platform. Any visitor to the station will likely have noticed how due this work is - it's a Grade II listed building and needs work. I often see comments... Read More »

Tags: Mayor

Posted: Tue, 27 Aug 2024

16th August 2024

16th August 2024

This has been a week that's been as varied as the weather!

Firstly, Monday and Tuesday saw a joint operation between Stroud Town Council, Stroud District Council and Gloucestershire County Council to raise the appearance of the town. From clearing excessive weeds to litter picking, removing graffiti to checking businesses have adequate waste contracts in place - the tiers of council worked together... Read More »

Tags: Mayor

Posted: Mon, 12 Aug 2024

9th August 2024


The main topic to cover this week has to be one of the most prominent in the news.

The concerning rise in racist sentiments that we've witnessed nationally have had wide impacts. It has been heartening to see many who have broken the law experiencing swift justice through our legal processes - something that helps cement that racism and discrimination, in any form, has no place in our society. What... Read More »

Tags: Mayor

Posted: Wed, 7 Aug 2024

6th August 2024


Exciting News from Stroud Town Council!

Helen Bojaniwska here, CEO of Stroud Town Council enjoying a one-week takeover of Mayor Davey's weekly column. I have thrilling news to share. We have the keys to the former Locking Hill surgery, and our contractors are already hard at work transforming it into the space our community deserves.

We're aiming for a more open, friendly, and shareable location. We... Read More »

Tags: Mayor

Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 2024

26th July 2024


It's always great to be involved in a celebration and I started this week being part of the Centenary celebrations at Stroud Vision Centre.

Independent business like theirs are the backbone of our town and the service they provide is testament to their longevity.

This week it was also the Consultations & Highways Committee meeting and we certainly had a full agenda of topics to over. The Town Council... Read More »

Tags: Mayor

Posted: Fri, 19 Jul 2024

19th July 2024


I'm pleased to be able to share another week of happenings with you, to give you an insight into what a Town Council and Town Councillors (and the officers at the Town Council) do. This is an important point, actually… whilst I share what I have been engaged in, please read this as a reflection of what many of our Councillors and team have been engaged in as well - this isn't all about me, this... Read More »

Tags: Mayor

Posted: Fri, 12 Jul 2024

12th July 2024


I have lots to share with you this week, starting with Monday when I attended the AGM of the Stroud Sea Cadets.

I'd never visited before, only ever passing on school Cross Country sessions (more walking than running, and many years ago). This is a great place for 10 - 17 year olds to have amazing experiences. They have capacity for around 35 Sea Cadets and even in this short visit I learned just how... Read More »

Tags: Mayor

Last updated: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 14:31