Local Heritage Asset List
What is a Local Heritage Asset List?
A Local Heritage Asset List is a building, park, garden or architectural feature considered to be of special interest because of their historic, architectural, design or townscape value.
They are not the same as Listed Buildings which are designated at a national level by Historic England.
How does Local Listing affect my building?
Unlike Listed building designation, Local Listing is not a legislative control and does not determine whether planning permission is needed. However, when planning permission is required the 'special interest' of a locally listed asset will be taken into account by planning officers when considering applications.
Which buildings are included on the Local List?
In October 2016, a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) created by Stroud Town Council covering the centre of Stroud was adopted by Stroud District Council. Appendix 5 of the NDP provides the criteria for nominating assets for local listing.
Neighbourhood Development Plan Appendix 5 (PDF, 272 Kb)
Stroud Preservation Trust worked with a group of volunteers who nominated over 100 buildings. A committee of local experts then selected 45 buildings for the first draft list of local heritage assets. Stroud Preservation Trust members provided the text and photographs for each list entry.
The consultation period ran from 15th January 2018 to 26th February 2018 and has now closed.
The Local List was approved by the Consultations Committee on 21st May 2018.
Local Heritage Assets List (PDF, 97 Kb)
Local Heritage Asset Map (PDF, 464 Kb)
Can I add to this list?
Local Heritage Asset List Nomination Form (Word Document, 101 Kb)
If you want to nominate a building, garden or park or townscape feature please fill in a nomination form with as much information as you can and email with a photo to council@stroudtown.gov.uk. Currently only buildings, features and structures in the Stroud Town Centre NDP area can be considered. There is no need to nominate buildings that are listed – you can check whether a building is listed on the Historic England website.
Nominations will be assessed by a panel of local experts each year in March.
Individual Entries
Individual entries are listed in alphabetically order by street name. You will also find some street signs filed under "S":
If you want to develop a Local Heritage Asset Register (Local List) all the technical details and forms can be found on the Stroud Preservation Trust website.