17th September 2024

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Serving the people of Stroud Town to create a thriving, sustainable community

Join our Register of Contractors

Stroud Town Council uses contractors for occasional small maintenance projects at its properties and sites in the town.

The Town Council owns the following listed properties:

• Lansdown Hall (community hall and art gallery)
• Thanet House (council offices and two flats)
• Subscription rooms (community arts venue)
• Bank Gardens (curtilage listed)
• Sims Clock
• Stroud Old Cemetery (curtilage listed)

and manages a number of green spaces including parks, playing fields, allotments, churchyards and the new cemetery.

If you are interested in joining the Town Council's Register of Contractors please complete an application form and send it together with a copy of your insurance to the Town Clerk.

Please note that £5m public liability insurance is a minimum requirement.

Successful applicants' names and contact details will be held on the register. Inclusion on the register is not a guarantee that work will be provided, but authorised contractors will be given the opportunity to quote for work as and when required. Please note that invitations to quote will normally be issued by email.

All contracts estimated at over £25K will be posted on the government procurement website Contracts Finder.

Last updated: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 10:32