17th September 2024

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Serving the people of Stroud Town to create a thriving, sustainable community

Finance and Policy Committee

Established in January 2020, this committee replaced the former Finance, Community and Policy Committee. The Committee oversees the council's finances, monitoring expenditure against budget, and advises council on policy matters. The Committee meets four times a year.

Areas of responsibility:

  • Management, administration and control of financial affairs (accounts, audit, investments) including long-term business planning, risk assessment and insurance, procurement and regular monitoring of expenditure against budget
  • Maintenance of Thanet House, Lansdown Hall, the Subscription Rooms and any other buildings for which the Council has responsibility
  • Preserving the Council's assets, records and archives
  • Advising Council on governance, policy and standing orders
  • Health, safety and security of premises, and of staff and other users
  • Council's communications strategy and delivery
  • Compliance with legislation and best practice with regard to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, GDPR, Equality and the Transparency Code
  • Monitoring progress and reporting annually to Council on performance against agreed strategic objectives

Members: Cllrs Ananthan, Davey, Fenton, Hillary, Horrocks (Deputy Chair), Minett, Schoemaker (Chair)

Last updated: Tue, 14 May 2024 10:26