17th September 2024

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Serving the people of Stroud Town to create a thriving, sustainable community

Environment Committee

Established in January 2020, this committee replaced the former Green Spaces Committee The Committee is responsible for all environmental issues, including the management of more than twenty-five green spaces looked after by the council. Amongst these are play areas, parks, gardens and pocket parks as well as five allotment sites and the historic Old Cemetery and local nature reserve at Bisley Road. Other responsibilities of this committee include the council's burial service and the provision of floral displays in the town centre. The Committee meets six times a year.

Areas of responsibility:

  • Implementation and monitoring of the council's action plan for becoming carbon neutral by 2030
  • Awarding grants from the carbon reduction fund
  • Development of and implementation of a long-term management plan for the Council's green spaces
  • Management and maintenance of cemeteries, outdoor recreation areas, gardens, floral displays in town centre, churchyards, street furniture, play equipment and other green spaces under the control of the Council
  • Provision of the burial service at Stroud cemetery
  • Planning for potential new cemetery development
  • Health, safety and security of staff and members of the public in relation to green spaces owned or managed by the Council
  • Provision of play equipment, sports and recreation facilities
  • Support for and engagement with Allotments Associations and supervision of agreements between Associations and the Council
  • Support for projects and organisations in Stroud which aim to:
    promote biodiversity and wildlife,
    improve air quality,
    support renewable energy generation
  • Support for community resilience including:
    emergency and cold weather response plans
    utility supplies
    flood prevention and sustainable drainage systems

Members: Cllrs Brooks, Fenton, Hillary (Chair), Horrocks, Jacobson, Oldman, Saunders (Deputy Chair)

Last updated: Tue, 14 May 2024 10:30