Contact your energy supplier if you are struggling to pay for energy or think you may get into difficulty. If you already have energy debts, some larger suppliers offer grants to help pay this off.
Many of the energy suppliers are providing support for people during this crisis. Check your supplier's website or call them to find out what support they can provide.
You can also visit Warm and Well for advice and support on managing your home energy. If your household income is under £30,000 and you privately own or rent an inefficient property, you could qualify for free support.
Energy bills support scheme
The Government's energy bills support scheme will deliver a £400 non-repayable discount to eligible households to help with energy bills from October 2022.
Energy bills support scheme explained
NOTE: The discount is automatic. If you get a text or message asking for your bank details, this could be a scam. You can report messages you think are suspicious.
Related Links:
Check if you can claim a discretionary housing payment
Check if you're eligible for Council Tax Support
Check your eligibility for Carer's Allowance
Apply to the Household Support fund
Support from your energy supplier
Help to make your home more energy efficient
Get help if you're struggling to afford enough food
Seek advice about money worries