21st January 2025

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Serving the people of Stroud Town to create a thriving, sustainable community

Disabled Access Reviews

Stroud Town Council is working with Accessible Gloucestershire to review public buildings around the centre of Stroud, to provide more information to people with disabilities to help them to plan their trips.

This scheme covers services such as doctor's surgeries, leisure facilities and transport facilities.

We eventually hope to offer a small subsidy to willing businesses who are interested in understanding the needs of customers with disabilities.

Christian Drewitt of Accessible Gloucestershire

Christian Drewitt of Accessible Gloucestershire is a trained assessor and has undertaken an audit of a range of facilities with the support of the organisation. Christian can identify the good practice that many businesses have already embedded in their services and feedback potential improvements which could be adopted.

A parallel project to improve hearing loop facilities in the town is also being supported by Stroud Rotary Club, Stroud Town Council and Accessible Gloucestershire.

Stroud Town Council would like to thank all the organisations who have participated in this project to improve information and access to services for those with disabilities.

All reports reflect the experience of the reviewer on the day of the review.

You can read a full report for the following venues:

Last updated: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 15:15