The Council recognises its duty to conserve biodiversity, which includes maintaining, restoring or enhancing a habitat or a population of a species.
We will:
- periodically survey our green spaces to identify important species and habitats
- follow best practise with regard to cutting and removal of vegetation, for example:
i. letting grass grow longer at certain times of year and in certain places, to provide a more varied structure, encourage wildflowers, and enhance wildlife habitats, or
ii. allowing some weedy areas to provide food for birds and animals - use only organic pesticides and fertilisers (see also Weed Control)
- reduce the amount of water we use
- time maintenance work appropriately, for example to avoid nesting or breeding seasons
- use sustainably sourced native tree and plant species in new planting wherever possible
- seek opportunities to plant edible nut and fruit trees
- in urban, formal parks planting will respect historic planting designs
- avoid the use of invasive non-native species and remove them where this is recommended
- use beneficial woodland management practices, including (where consistent with health and safety considerations) leaving dead wood on site
- seek, through long-term planning, to enhance the biodiversity value of sites
- promote public access, interpretation and involvement in our sites to raise public awareness of biodiversity issues.
- lead by example - well-managed sites can demonstrate the positive role of site management to businesses, other organisations and the general public.
- integrate biodiversity into staff training.
- seek expert advice when needed; for example from Natural England or Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.